Once upon a time in 2010, there lived an unnamed puppy.
He was playful and naughty. He liked going out on his own to explore the neighborhood. It gave him a chance to spin tales of his heroic adventures to his 4 siblings. Of course, the mother knew he was spinning tales and warned him not to go alone into this big bad world!!!
But our dude would listen to none, let alone Mom! And off he went again exploring the big bad world of J.P Nagar, .. alone!
His bad luck, it rained that day, heavily! Lightening struck! Streets were filled with water! Every little place was wet!
He lost his way, got wet and was almost in tears.
Heroism turned into fear, fear into helplessness!

His Mom and siblings were nowhere to be seen. He searched and searched and searched… only in vain.

He then fell into a culvert and couldn’t climb out despite all his efforts. All he could do was to wail.
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